Client Libraries

BETA API - updated 2022-01-14 (Have a question?)


Github page onetime-ruby

by Delano (updated 2024-06-09)

Usage Example

require 'onetime/api'

options = {
  secret: 'Jazz, jazz and more jazz.',
  recipient: '[email protected]',
  ttl: 7200

ret ='/share', options)
puts ret['secret_key']


Github page - onetimesecret-cli
by slashpass (added 2021-07-08)

Usage Example

from onetimesecret import OneTimeSecretCli

cli.create_link("secret") # return a link like
Github page - py_onetimesecret
by Vladislav Stepanov (added 2012-06-26)

Usage Example

from onetimesecret import OneTimeSecret

o = OneTimeSecret("YOUR_EMAIL", "YOUR_OTS_APIKEY")
secret = o.share(u"test")

print o.retrieve_secret(secret["secret_key"])
# {u'secret_key': u'dtr7ixukiolpx1i4i87kahmhyoy2q65',
# u'value': u'test'}


Net::OneTimeSecret on CPAN
by Kyle Dawkins (added 2012-01-06)

Usage Example

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Net::OneTimeSecret;

# Note: replace these with yours in order for this to work!
my $customerId  = 'YOUR_EMAIL';
my $testApiKey  = 'YOUR_OTS_APIKEY';

my $api = Net::OneTimeSecret->new( $customerId, $testApiKey );
my $result = $api->shareSecret( 'Jazz, jazz and more jazz.',
                   passphrase => 'thepassword',
                   recipient => '[email protected]',
                   ttl => 7200,
printf( "%s\n", $result->{secret_key} );

my $secret = $api->retrieveSecret( $result->{secret_key}, passphrase => "thepassword" );
printf( "%s\n", $secret->{value} );


Github page - onetime-java
by Marcin Pawlowski (added 2014-05-22)

Usage Example

OneTimeSecret ots = new OneTimeSecretRestImpl(

GenerateResponse generateResponse = ots.generate(
                new GenerateRequest.Builder()

RetrieveResponse retrieveResponse = ots.retrieve(
                new RetrieveRequest.Builder()

assertEquals(generateResponse.getValue(), retrieveResponse.getValue());


Github page - OneTimeSharp
by Vladislav Stepanov (added 2014-05-29)

Usage Example

# You can use OneTimeSharp in any of your projects which are compatible with .NET (4.0+) or Mono (2.10.8+).
using VStepanov.OneTimeSharp;

class Test
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var ots = new OneTimeSecret("YOUR_EMAIL", "YOUR_OTS_APIKEY");

        var generated = ots.GenerateSecret();

        Console.WriteLine(generated.Value); // LR*?us*A(UT*

        Console.WriteLine(generated.SecretKey); // ikzx3m77j5by8411cg5lk5fvfylvl0i
        Console.WriteLine(ots.GetSecretLink(generated)); //

        var shared = ots.ShareSecret("Hello, OTS!");

        Console.WriteLine(shared.MetadataKey); // kd6rgsucl98qbgu9eavjq4k5sdxsom0
        Console.WriteLine(ots.GetMetadataLink(shared)); //


Github page - onetimesecret
by Corbalt (added 2021-12-10)

Usage Example

import ots ""

client := ots.Client{
  Username: "[email protected]",
  Key: "my api key",

metadata, err := client.Put("the launch codes", "passphrase", 0, "")
if err != nil {
  // handle error

secret, err := client.Get(metadata.SecretKey, "passphrase")
if err != nil {
  // handle error

// prints "the launch codes"

Usage Example as CLI

$ go install

$ ots put 'what is essential is invisible to the eye'
hdjk6p0ozf61o7n6pbaxy4in8zuq7sm ifipvdpeo8oy6r8ryjbu8y7rhm9kty9

$ ots get hdjk6p0ozf61o7n6pbaxy4in8zuq7sm
what is essential is invisible to the eye

$ ots gen
rVjbS$twCJkS 4nwhy7v4fnabayqc5auv4ogh0nfr20 flsdlaun6hwczqu9utmc0vts5xj9xu1

$ ots burn flsdlaun6hwczqu9utmc0vts5xj9xu1


Github page - OneTimeSecret
by Craig Gumbley (updated 2017-04-28)

Usage Example

# Install from the PowerShell gallery
Install-Module -Name OneTimeSecret -Scope CurrentUser

# Set connection information
Set-OTSAuthorizationToken -Username [email protected] -APIKey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# Generate a new shared secret
New-OTSSharedSecret -Secret "Very Secret" -Passphrase 1234 -Recipient [email protected]

# Retrieve a secret
Get-OTSSecret -SecretKey qqevnp70b4uoiax4knzhwlhros6ne7x -Passphrase 1234

# View all functions that are available
Get-Command -Module OneTimeSecret | Select Name


Github page - OneTimeSecret-Go
by Craig Gumbley (updated 2020-08-20)

Usage Example

// Build a new client
client := ots.NewClient(
      WithUsername("[email protected]"),

// Send a request with context
ctx := context.Background()
response, err := client.GetStatus(ctx)
if err != nil {


Go (CLI)

Github page
by Emídio Neto (added 2024-06-09)

Usage Example

$ ots share -h
Share or generate a random secret

      ots share [flags]

      -f, --from-stdin          Read from stdin
      -g, --generate            Generate a short, unique secret. This is useful for temporary passwords, Onetime pads, salts, etc.
      -h, --help                help for share
      -p, --passphrase string   a string that the recipient must know to view the secret. This value is also used to encrypt the secret and is bcrypted before being stored so we only have this value in transit.
      -r, --recipient string    an email address. We will send a friendly email containing the secret link (NOT the secret itself).
      -s, --secret string       the secret value which is encrypted before being stored. There is a maximum length based on your plan that is enforced (1k-10k)
      -t, --ttl int             the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the secret should survive (i.e. time-to-live). Once this time expires, the secret will be deleted and not recoverable. (default 604800)



Github page - OneTimeSecret-bash
by Eric Engstrom (updated 2018-12-19)

Usage Example as Scripting API

# source for use anonymously (secrets created anonymously)
source ots.bash

# or, source with specific auth credentials
source ots.bash -u $APIUSER -k $APIKEY

# check status of server

# create a secret and get back the URL
URL=$(echo "secret" | ots_share)

# share a multi line secret via HEREDOC.
URL=$(ots_share <<-EOF
      This is a Secret
      ... on multiple lines

# pass options to share or generate.
URL=$(ots_share ttl=600 \
                  passphrase="shared-secret" \
                  recipient="[email protected]" <<< "SECRET")

# fetch the secret data
local DATA="$(ots_retrieve "$URL")"

# share/generate a new secret, and get back the private metadata key
local KEY=$(ots_metashare <<< "SECRET")
local KEY=$(ots_metagenerate)

# get a list of private metadata keys recently created.
# note that this requires valid autnentication credentials
local -a RECENT=( $(ots_recent) )

# check on the current state of a secret, given the private key
ots_state $KEY

# burn a secret, given the private key
ots_burn $KEY

Usage Example as CLI

# Share a secret (from stdin
./ots share

# Share a secret (via HEREDOC)
./ots share <<-EOF
      This is a mulit-line secret via HEREDOC.
      Somthing else goes here.

# Get/Retrieve a secret:
./ots get <key|url>
./ots retrieve <key|url>

# Burn a secret:
./ots burn <key|url>

# Use --help for complete list of command line actions and known options:
./ots --help

If you implement another language, let us know and we'll add it here!